There once was a young girl named Mallory, she lived in a brown house in a town on the North Shore in Minnesota. A deserted highway goes right through the town called highway 61. Only a few people were brave enough to drive that road, and especially at high speeds. Mallory used to sit on a hill overlooking a particular curve in the road waiting for one car specifically to pass by. It was a red car with a striking yellow lightning bolt on the side. She loved the way the sun glinted off the paint, illuminating the hillside. She also loved the mystery behind the red car. Whenever she'd bring it up with her parents. They'd shush her and say, "Honey, we're good christians. We will never speak of that car." One day the mystery became too much and she typed into the search bar of her laptop: "Red Car with lightning bolt, Minnesota." The search came up with only one link. When she clicked on it all the lights in her house turned off and it seemed as though her parents were nowhere to be found. She walked around the house yelling, but no one answered. She walked back into her room lit only by the dull light emitting from the computer screen. She realized that in her panic she hadn't looked at the website that had come up when the lights went out. The page was black with bright white letters spelling out "KACHOW!" She felt her heart flutter and she looked up at her doorway just in time to see a sharp-toothed smile and hear the squealing of tires. She was never seen again, but her parents to this day can't get the tire marks off of her floor.